Martial law coming
Martial law coming

martial law coming

WITH COVID RELATED EVENTS RAPIDLY CHANGING OUR LIVES ACROSS AMERICA AND THE GLOBE AS WELL, it is important for people to fully understand WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING and what is BEHIND this COVID EVENT and narrative. “YOU CAN’T SING IN CHURCH.YOU CAN’T PRAY IN CHURCH.YOU MIGHT SPREAD COVID!!!” Many churches could not even MEET FOR FELLOWSHIP IN THEIR FACILITIES on the pretense of the fake “COVID EPIDEMIC.” Many church leaders and members suffered for daring to continue their services.Īnd of course, we cannot forget how Commie Biden and his NWO GANG stole the elections.NOT that TRAITOR AND DECEIVER TRUMP was any better. I was warned repeatedly that once MARTIAL LAW WAS DECLARED, PERSECUTION AGAINST THE CHRISTIANS WOULD BEGIN IN AMERICA. I simply decided to sit back for a year or so, and SEE what would unfold ONCE TRAITOR TRUMP DECLARED “MARTIAL LAW” on March 13th, 2020. The alleged “nasal swab” test was later examined under microscope and discovered to be deadly and pre-contaminated with the potential to MAKE PEOPLE ILL.and in the case of nursing home residents, to actually KILL THEM, as many shocking reports emerging from nursing homes nationwide over the past year have repeatedly confirmed.Īnd now, people are suffering and dying all over the world from the horrific “COVID JAB,” ignoring the warnings of thousands of doctors and medical experts worldwide: “DON’T TAKE THE FAUX ’s deadly and being used for a PLANNED WORLD POPULATION REDUCTION AGENDA!”Īnd the “hero” of many Christians and Patriots, DONALD TRUMP, PUSHED “OPERATION WARP SPEED” to get AS MANY AMERICANS INJECTED WITH THIS DEADLY KILLER “COVID JAB” as possible! SO MUCH FOR TRUMP’S CREDIBILITY AND CARING ABOUT THE WELL-BEING OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! They also desired to eliminate the world’s “useless eaters” in society, such as the elderly and long term chronically ill. My analysis of THE COVID SCAMDEMIC? And the opinion of countless other people across the globe, including doctors and scientists? It is simply the fulfillment of the NWO GLOBALIST AGENDA for a WORLD POPULATION REDUCTION PROGRAM. after observing and analyzing the entire past year to assess where AMERICA is going, from August 2020 to August 2021, I am prepared to resume my investigative journalism here on this blog once again. Remembering that whatever we have done for even the least of these (and many in need are also Christians) we have DONE IT FOR JESUS.įINALLY. Please share your CHRISTIAN love and compassion for these precious people in severe crisis on the reservation this Holiday season. I simply cannot afford to do this alone, friends. YOUR COMPASSIONATE DONATIONS AT THIS TIME WILL HELP ME PURCHASE THANKSGIVING DINNERS AND WARM WINTER CLOTHING FOR THESE PRECIOUS TRIBAL PEOPLE,LIVING IN A BITTERLY COLD REGION IN THE PROLONGED MONTANA WINTERS. I also supplied quality food and new winter clothing for various families at Christmastime as well. LAST YEAR I SUPPLIED MANY THANKSGIVING DINNERS, AND QUALITY, NEW WINTER CLOTHING FOR MANY OF THE CHILDREN ON THE BLACKFEET RESERVATION in Browning, MONTANA. There are also many problems on every reservation here, including widespread poverty, even hunger and lack of adequate winter clothing for some, including for children. And many do not yet know Jesus as their Savior. I have been ministering on the local Indian reservations here: there are 12 tribes and 7 reservations located in the state of MONTANA. SHOULD RUSSIA AND HER ALLIES ATTACK THE USA, MONTANA will be wiped off the map.and countless people will die throughout this region.īut MANY here do not KNOW JESUS AS THEIR SAVIOR, and will perish eternally unless We reach them for JESUS! This is due to the presence of underground missile silos in this state, part of the North American missile defense system for the USA linked with nearby MALMSTROM AFB in Great Falls, MT. YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT IS URGENTLY NEEDED AT THIS TIME! I live in one of several “NUCLEAR SPONGE STATES” that will be among the FIRST TO BE ATTACKED in the event of WW III.

Martial law coming